Here comes Rosh Hashanah. There's real honey and Daddy's honey and an apple of mine, so funny, ha, ha, ha! Here is Nellie at Heidi and Danny's house and a leopard chair that I love. This is a chocolate cake at Danny's house, it was amazing and it was so yummy. Here's some leaves from the fall that I found on the ground, they even stinked and I have to leave them outside for a couple of days. This is the figurines that I put on my cake were amazing and I got some Elsa gloves, Elsa shoes and an Elsa dress to dress up for Halloween. It was so fun dressing up in my Elsa costume on Halloween and I still wear it at playdates with my friends. This is what I got for Mommy's 39th birthday and she loved it and she loves the body cream and she has used the body cream so much half of it is gone. This is a mushroom that was growed on my grass and I told Daddy not to pick it and he did it anyways. This is a sunset leaf that I found on...
This Is A Big Crab On The Beach And It Was Dead And I Found Some Baby Crabs That Pinched. This is a sand dollar that was alive and there where tuns of them. this is a star fish siting on a rock in a tide pool. this are sweet pea flowers that where growing wild. this is a rock that i found and it got smashed. this a crab this is me this is mommy.s new phone
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