A Long Time Since I've Updated My Blog
This is a flower in our backyard from spring time and I thought I could pick it but I thought I could enjoy it on the plant instead.
This is the same flower of the one before except it hasn't bloomed yet so I just took a picture of it and I didn't pick it.
This is a white rhododendron and I saw a bunch blooming but I couldn't pick them because I had to pick a whole bunch and they fell everywhere.
This is a lilac and it hadn't bloomed yet and that was the first one to come.
This is a pink flower that I found in our garden.
This is my new wooden barn that has lots of animals inside and I found out that some of the gates could snap off and three things could open.
Hello. This is some flowers from Mommy's friend Sally that had a Mexican theme dinner at our house.
This is Sally's dinner table with Mexican little hats and beautiful decorations in the middle.
This is a hat that Mommy's friend Erin dropped off for Sally's Mexican theme dinner for a decoration in the middle of the table so I took a picture of it because it was so beautiful. P.S. I love it
This is a purse from Bubbie's house that is beautiful and every time I lifted it some of the beads would fall off, it was very funny.
This is an appetizer for Sally's Mexican themed dinner that my friend Bea's Mom, Erin, dropped off for the dinner party:)
This is Daddy's balloon guys from Bubbie's house and he loves them and he put them in his den.
These are some M & Ms from a Smartie egg from Easter.
Hello this is an old sewing machine that Bubbie had in her basement for a long time and Bubbie used to sew with it. Goodbye.
This is Auntie Elaine's cedar chest that she has some silver and her wedding dress in and some little cups and all these precious things.
Hello this is a knitted picture that Bubbie knitted.
This is a bush in Bubbie's garden that she had in her front yard and I love it and every year when it bloomed I would pick some to enjoy with Mommy and Daddy at home and I would put some in the pot by Bubbie's house. Bye!
This is a scary worm. I want it to scare people out of their death.
This is an old pot. Bye Bye.
These are hydrangea petunias.
These are rhodeliciouses.
These are some purple rhododeliciousness.
This is San Pellegrino lemonade, I drink it. Do you know it's booze?
These are flowers from Sally.
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